Reflection - Awareness Without Change
As a member of Generaztion Z, I do not have a choice in whether or not I am to be influenced by media. A phone, and a laptop have arguably become almost as necessary as food and water. To thrive in this modern environment, I believe I simply need to accept media as a presence within my life, and do my best to develop a postive relationship with it. As I gained knowledge through this class, I realized more and more how deeply I have been affected by media; how deeply everyone has been affected by media. I have spent a lot of time pondering the correlation between my narcissim and the females I have grown up seeing in the media. Am I naturally inclined to care about how I look? I spend an awful lot of time thinking about it - how has media convinced me this is a worthy way to take up the minutes? Maybe it's not, but in all honesty, I don't care. I think outward appearances are extraoridinarily important. People are judgemental, people judge how you look. I think the excessivenes...