Are You Beach Body Ready?

Advertising - it's everywhere. No matter where I go, someone is trying to sell me something, a dream, a concept.
Recently I was surfing the web and came across a lot of advertisements. One of the most shocking ads I saw was one of a girl in a bikini saying, "Are You Beach Body Ready?" The ad was for Protein World. The bright yellow of the add drew me to it, as did the bolded capital letters of the slogan. Immediately I knew this ad was targeted at women, attempting to convince them they need to lose weight, and therefore need this product.The toxic impication of this statement caught my eye, however I can't deny it's success in grabbing my attention. Then I, as the advertiser wanted me to do, wondered: Am I beach body ready? Negative messages, or toxic ones may not be good from an ethical standpoint, but do seem to be successful in the wolrd of advertising. I noticed the ad was for protein powder and immediately wondered if I had enough protien in my diet. Did I? Would this product help? While I can't speak for other women or girls, I would not be suprised if they were to have a similar reaction to me.
Convinving the reader they need a product in order to be 'ready,' or more accurately, beautiful, can be quite persausive.
I do not support negative advertising that preys on the insecuritites of an audiance. But does it work? In my experience it does.
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